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- President: Keith Hinton-Cooper ZL2TAB
- Vice President: Robert Wallace ZL2SG
- Secretary: David Walker ZL2DW
- Treasurer: Peter Moore ZL2HM
- AREC/CD: John Newson ZL2VAF
- AREC Deputy: Robert Wallace ZL2SG
- Committee:
- Ray Barlow ZL2RB
- Phil Garside ZL2RO
- Peter Keong ZL2PW
- Rob Leicester ZL2US
- Blue Smith ZL3TT
- James Sherratt ZL2HBX
- Hastings QSL Distribution: Wally Shuker ZL2MO
- Magazine Editor: John Newson ZL2VAF
- NZART License Examiners:
- Peter ZL2HM
- Ray ZL2RB
- Dave ZL2MQ
- Website Manager: Phil Garside ZL2RO
- NZART Central District Councillor Phil Garside ZL2RO
- Club Call: ZL2AS and ZL2QS